We’re continuing our spiritual journey together both in-person and online.
Weekly Worship Schedule
Morning Service
7:45 a.m.
In-person only
In the Chapel of the Angels
Holy Eucharist
10 a.m.
In-Person and on Zoom
Zoom Info:
Webinar ID: 652 526 150
Join by phone: (929) 205-6099
Archived services are available to watch on our YouTube channel
Hospitality Hour
following the 10 a.m. service
Join us for hospitality hour at the back of the church!
Sunday School information
is available here
Morning Prayer
9 a.m.
ONLINE ONLY through September 2024
Please contact our office for login information
Come find a moment of peace in our spiritual home:
The church is open from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sacraments and Life Events
Holy Eucharist (or Holy Communion) is celebrated every Sunday. At St. Michael’s all are welcome to receive communion, the gift of God’s unconditional love for us.
Holy Baptism is normally offered during worship four times a year on special Sundays. Babies, children, and adults are all welcome to be baptized. For information and baptismal preparation, please speak with a member of the clergy.
Confirmation is the adult affirmation of our baptismal vows, offered during our bishops’ visitations and at our cathedral. Reception from other faith traditions, and the rite of reaffirmation of baptism, is also part of the confirmation service. For information and confirmation classes, please speak with a member of the clergy.
Weddings are celebrated at St. Michael’s in the sacrament of Christian marriage. The Episcopal Church offers the sacrament of marriage to same-sex couples. People of other faiths and religious backgrounds are welcome to inquire about the availability of our venue and clergy for wedding ceremonies. More information is available by calling the parish office.
Funerals and memorial services are observed at St. Michael’s for members of the parish and non-members alike. Our cemetery is located in Queens and was established in 1852. Niches are also available in our columbarium, located in our sanctuary.
To find out more about these sacraments at St. Michael’s, contact the Church Office at:
or (212) 222-2700 x100

Prayers and Healing
Prayer is central and a fundamental component of Christian life. At St. Michael’s, we pray for the specific needs of individuals in our community as well as collective, global concerns. We pray for those who have requested prayers at every service, seven days a week. For individuals, we maintain two prayer lists: one for urgent/short-term needs (used on Sundays) and one for longer-term needs (used at weekday services and by the St. Michael’s Prayer Chain). Submit your prayer requests here.
Whenever you need a member of the clergy, we are here for you. Call our main number at (212) 222-2700, or find further contact information here.

Prayer Ministers and Laying On of Hands
The ancient prayer practice of the Laying on of Hands is available in the Chapel of the Angels during the 10 a.m. service on Sundays. The Laying on of Hands is offered by Prayer Ministers, who are clergy and specially-trained laypeople.
Those coming to the Chapel for prayers may request prayers for themselves or for others. The Prayer Minister places her or his hands on the requestor’s head and prays, beseeching Jesus Christ to sustain them with his presence and bestow his healing power to help in any situation. This can be a powerful experience of receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit.