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Safe Church Policy for Children and Youth

By God’s grace and with your cooperation, we can ensure that St. Michael’s is a place where all children are safe and welcome. The following is a summary St. Michael’s Policy for the Protection of Children and Youth.

  1. No one under the age of 18 is to be anywhere on church property without adequate adult supervision.Children and youth are to be in the designated space for their activity at all times.
  2. Each Sunday school class, youth group and choir rehearsal must have two or more Safe Church trained adults with the children at all times. Children aged 6 months to 3 years may be dropped off for nursery care during Sunday services. The nursery is available to parents for nursing, feeding, diaper changes, and toileting assistance. Only a parent or guardian will attend to diaper and toilet needs. Registration is required before nursery use. A current mobile phone number is required each time a child is signed in.
  3. Children in 5th grade and younger must remain in the company of their parents, with an adult companion designated by their parents, or with two or more adults authorized by St.Michael’s at all times—including during hospitality hour and on the playground.
  4. Children in 5th grade and younger must be accompanied to communal bathrooms by a parent or guardian or other adult designated by the parent or guardian. Volunteers and staff should never be alone with a child in a bathroom (or bathroom stall) with the door closed.
  5. On Sundays, children pre-K through grade 5 are invited forward for a blessing during the service and then accompanied to their children’s worship meeting spaces. Children who are late must be accompanied by their parent to the classroom.
  6. Parents must be present to receive their children as they return to the sanctuary from Sunday Children’s Worship. Parents must pick up their children from Wednesday choir from the Gray lounge by 5:30pm. Youth may only leave the church on their own with written permission from their parents.
  7. A parent or adult designated by the child’s parents must remain on the church property during Children’s Worship, youth choir or other children’s activities. Parents may elect the drop off option, 4-5:30, for Wednesday choir.
  8. Parents must provide specific written permission for their children to leave the property with any other adult than themselves and provide this information in each child’s registration form or give a dated note to the child’s teacher or choir director.
  9. In all activities, we treat each other with respect and gentleness—without hitting, bullying or teasing.We show respect for the buildings and gardens and those who work to maintain them. Our online behavior reflects the same values.
  10. Any concerns should be reported to a member of the Clergy or to the Wardens. Thank you for your cooperation in making St. Michael’s a safe place!

The Rev. Katharine Flexer, Rector
212-222-2700, x11