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Faith in Action

1 John 3:18 “Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”


Dear St. Michael’s Community,


As we enter the final months of 2024, we can look back on this year and marvel at the blessings and growth St. Michael’s is experiencing as a congregation. 2024 was indeed a year in which we “Gathered to Grow.”   


Phase 1 of our renovations is almost complete. We continue to support our community by opening our Doors Wide Open and offering programs that demonstrate God’s love. New faces are finding comfort in our congregation. 


We want to continue the momentum we are building with deliberate energy. That is why we have named this year’s stewardship campaign “Faith in Action.”


The pledges for this campaign will support many of the programs that fuel St. Michael’s as a church and dedicated fixture in our neighborhood. Funds will be used for our shared worship, community outreach, children’s and youth programs, pastoral care, music and many more ministries.


Our annual stewardship pledges have plateaued over the past few years due to Covid and capital campaign giving. This year, your pledges to Faith in Action will raise the resources we need to take advantage of our growth and recent blessings. We are confronted with many increased costs, including property insurance, employee benefits for our staff, and utilities. Your giving will help us continue to turn our words of dedication into action.


To that end:

  • If you are a longtime pledger, please consider increasing your pledge.
  • If you have never pledged to St. Michael’s, this is your invitation to join us!


Our ability to demonstrate God’s grace by serving each other and our community in action and deeds depends on our collective financial support.


Make your pledge today!