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Join us on our journey, as we grow in wisdom about God, ourselves, and the world.

Expressions of Love

Our love of God and God’s love for us is what binds the St. Michael’s community together. We gather for worship every day of the year. Our worship takes many forms, from quiet early morning services on weekdays to the rich mix of music and community at the Sunday 10:00 am service. The casual, contemplative Intersection service invites seekers on Sunday evenings. The Wednesday evening Choral Compline service offers some midweek tranquility. Join us for any or all of the services in our beautiful and historic church.

Weekly Worship Schedule


Holy Eucharist:

  • 7:45 am
  • 10:00 am
  • 6:00 pm (an informal service we call Intersection)

Free childcare is available during the 10:00 AM service


Morning Prayer:

  • 7:45 AM


Morning Prayer:

  • 7:45 AM

Holy Eucharist follows Morning Prayer

Choral Compline:

  • 8:30 PM


Morning Prayer:

  • 9:00 AM (and at this time on all weekday Federal holidays)

The Church is open for prayer and reflection from 11:00 am-2:00 pm Monday-Friday. Church doors open half an hour prior to each service.

Major Feasts and Seasons

Major celebrations of the church year include the seven principal feasts Easter Day, Ascension Day, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, All Saints’ Day, Christmas Day, and the Epiphany. Sundays, and major holy days also include feasts of our Lord, all feasts of apostles, all feasts of evangelists, and other designated feasts. The Church Seasons are Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter.

Sacraments and Life Events

Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist (or Holy Communion) are the two great sacraments given by Christ to his Church. Confirmation is adult affirmation of our baptismal vows.

Weddings are celebrated at St. Michael’s in the sacrament of Christian marriage (the Episcopal Church offers the sacrament of marriage to same-sex couples). Other faiths and religious backgrounds are welcome to inquiry about the availability of our venue and clergy for wedding ceremonies.

Prayers and Healing

Prayer is central and a fundamental component of Christian life. At St. Michael’s, we pray for the specific needs of individuals in our community as well as collective, global concerns. We pray for those who have requested prayers at every service, seven days a week. For individuals, we maintain two prayer lists: one for urgent/short-term needs (used on Sundays) and one for longer-term needs (used at weekday services and by the St. Michael’s Prayer Chain).

Prayer Chain members pray for all these concerns every day. Please notify us if you are in need of prayer. Priests are also available for Reconciliation of a Penitent: private confession and Last Rites.

Prayer Ministers and Laying On of Hands

The ancient prayer practice of the Laying on of Hands is available in the Chapel of the Angels during the 10:00 am and 6:00 pm services on Sundays. The Laying on of Hands is offered by Prayer Ministers, who are clergy and specially-trained laypeople.

Those coming to the Chapel for prayers may request prayers for themselves or for others.  The Prayer Minister places her or his hands on the requestor’s head and prays, beseeching Jesus Christ to sustain them with his presence and bestow his healing power to help in any situation.  This can be a powerful experience of receiving the grace of the Holy Spirit.