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Holy Week and Easter 2024

Come walk with us toward the light of the resurrection.

Holy Week & Easter at St. Michael’s

Come walk with us toward the light of the resurrection, beginning with Palm Sunday and moving to the joyous celebration of Easter.
Join us as we make this age-old spiritual journey, together again.

Palm Sunday – March 24

7:45 a.m.
Simple Holy Eucharist
in the Chapel of the Angels

10 a.m.
Choral Eucharist*

beginning in Happy Warrior Playground
(98th St. & Amsterdam Ave.) with the Liturgy of the Palms
and procession to the Church, ending with the enactment of the Passion Gospel.

Maundy Thursday – March 29

7 p.m.
Holy Eucharist*
with Footwashing and the Stripping of the Altar

9 p.m.
All-Night Vigil
in the Chapel of the Angels
(sign-up link below)

Good Friday – March 29

12 p.m.

with Veneration of the Cross
2 p.m.
Stations of the Cross

7 p.m.*
Sung Burial Liturgy

Holy Saturday – March 30

7:30 p.m.
The Great Vigil of Easter*

with the Lighting of the New Fire, Holy Baptism
and the first Eucharist of Easter

Easter Sunday – March 31

7:45 a.m.
Simple Holy Eucharist

in the Chapel of the Angels

10 a.m.
Festal Eucharist*

with the Flowering of the Cross

Online morning and noonday prayer continue during Holy Week, with the exception of noonday prayer on Good Friday. Services with (*) will be streamed on Zoom and Facebook.

Maundy Thursday Vigil Sign-up
It has been the custom of the church to “keep watch” with Jesus through the night of Maundy Thursday, remaining with him through his arrest and trial. Those joining this vigil sit with Jesus by the Altar of Repose, which is set up in the chapel during the Maundy Thursday service. Security will be present all night.
To sign up for a one-hour slot, use this form.

Easter Flowers
Contribute to our festive floral arrangements in memory of / thanksgiving for something or someone. A minimum donation of $25 is suggested. Click here to fill out a form and make your online donation. Please make your donation by March 31st Thank you!